Friday, 22 July 2016

last names for lucia

Lucia Smith
Lucia Johnson
Lucia Williams
Lucia Cooke

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Brightfeather's Song



Figures/builds: EarthClanners usually have strong and stocky builds, shortish tails and thick fur with small ears. 

Desired Qualities: Toms- Broad shoulders, thick, short fur, good hunting skills, amber eyes
She-cats- slender but muscled shape, sleek, short fur, good singing skills, green/amber eyes.

Costoms: EarthClan has a special bond with animals, plants, etc, they sing the Song of the Earth and the Song of the Sun. 

Names: EarthClan queens tend to name their kits after strong/fierce animals, popular or useful plants, or types of trees and rocks.


Figures/builds: Most AirClanners have slender, thin and limby bodies, long tails and big ears

Desired Qualities: Toms- long limbs and tails, big ears and light/pale colored eyes
She-cats- slender, smaller than average, big ears and vibrant colored eyes

Costoms: AirClan love the wind and breezes, they sing the Song of the Air and the Song of the Clouds

Names: Popular AirClan names include; Windkit, Galekit, Breezekt, Cloudkit, Birdkit, etc.




Saturday, 2 July 2016

aj names

Large Frozendolphin

Crunchy Smartylily

Prince Fancyrobot

Prancing Icyninja

Awesome Daringscout